Community affiliates and sponsorships.

  • Community Affiliates

    We invite you to join Interfaith Atlanta’s network of affiliates, working together to foster cooperation, promote racial and ethnic understanding, and address social needs across Metro Atlanta. Whether you represent a faith community or would like to connect as an individual affiliate, we welcome your partnership! Together, we can strengthen interfaith collaboration and create a more united, compassionate community.

  • Sponsorship

    Beyond annual affiliate contributions, a variety of faith communities, nonprofit organizations, local businesses, and individuals show their support by sponsoring special events throughout the year. Events include our annual Interfaith Festival and Winter Lights Festival with future opportunities coming available soon.

Interfaith Atlanta 2024
affiliates and sponsors.

2024 Event Sponsors

Atlantic Institute

Roman Catholic Arch Diocese of Atlanta

Compassion & Choices

Compassionate Atlanta

Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center

In Good Faith
(BYU Radio)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Temple Sinai Atlanta

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

Cathedral of Christ the King Church and School

Congregation Or Hadash

Georgia Interfaith Power and Light

Interfaith Children’s Movement

Interfaith Community Initiatives

Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

Memorial Drive Ministries

Office of Spiritual and Religious Life |
Emory University

Aligarh Alumni Association of Atlanta

Red Clay Sangha

Stick with the Ick

Woodward Academy

2024 Affiliates

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